Welp y’all, the semester is almost over. And I have 11 blogs to write before tomorrow. So let’s get started. Haha.
I just wanted to write a couple words about something I was thinking about the other day. I was kneeling down on my floor, saying my nightly prayers, and I just started thinking about how awesome the people in my life are. I’d just spent the evening hanging out with some really good friends, and it all just kind of hit me in that moment how cool everybody is. I thought about each of my friends, and the qualities they have that really stood out to me. For example, one of my roommates is just such a great example to me. She is kind and caring, and genuinely cares about and loves people. I didn’t know her very well when I moved in, and she has just made the hugest effort to welcome me into her group of friends and make me feel like I belong. And I really do feel like I belong. And that is just an amazing feeling, because I haven’t felt like I’ve belonged in a very, very long time. And going from not belonging to belonging just feels so good. With this group of friends I feel like I can be myself. I can talk freely and people laugh at my dumb jokes. I’m part of the group. I’m part of the team. It just feels so good.
Anywayyy… I’m getting sidetracked. I was talking about my friends and their awesome qualities, haha. I’ll just give a few more examples. Another one of my friends from that group is also very genuine and caring. I didn’t know him very well either before this year, but I’ve really enjoyed getting to know him better. He is just a kind, sincere, happy person, and I really appreciate that. I appreciate his spirit and his willingness to get to know me and accept me. I just remember feeling very happy as I sat and said my prayers, naming off all of these awesome people and all of their individual awesome qualities. I felt very blessed to be able to associate with them, and that I was able to call them my friends.
I know with certainty that I was supposed to be with this people at this time in my life. God had it written in the plan for my life that I would room with my current roommates, and that I would be accepted into their group and make friends with their friends. And for that, I am eternally grateful. I haven’t felt this happy in a long time, and I can attribute it to my awesome friends :)
You're so right. We are so blessed for the people the Lord specifically brings into our lives. I have amazing friends and have gotten to get to know a lot of super cool people this semester. One girl from my ward last year ended up in one of my classes this semester. I didn't know her very well at all last year, but have found out that she is super funny and a really cool friend!