Tuesday, December 6, 2011

musical memories.

Ok so you're probably sick of me talking about music, but it's what I live and breathe, so prepare for another post about it. I just wanted to write really quick about how I think it's amazing that music is so closely associated with memories. Just hearing a particular song can bring up a whole slew of memories in your head, which includes smells, tastes, people, and just experiences in general. Times in your life that you identify with a certain song or artist. I just wanted to share a few very iconic songs with you that I associate with memories that are important to me.
(I'll only do 3 in the interest of time)

1. Owl City - Sky Diver

I can't even really begin to describe what this song means to me. It was the first Owl City song I ever heard. I remember being in my friend's room in Virginia, and she had her iPod hooked up to her speakers, and it was just on shuffle. and this song came on, and I was just like in the bathroom doing my hair or something, and it really caught my attention. I came into her room and I was like "...what is this?" And she didn't know so she looked at her iPod and told me, and said that her friend had put a bunch of music on her computer so she hadn't listened to all of it yet. Little did I know that hearing this song would open a door that would lead to so many wonderful things. After I went home, I downloaded every Owl City song that existed, and quickly became obsessed. I love his lyrics: they're full of hope and a simple happiness that I just love. His voice is light and floats so well on the positive messages in his songs. I just love him, haha. So here's the song! It's a good one.

2. Incubus - Dig

This song represents high school to me. Particularly my senior year. I know that's not the time that it came out, but that's when I first heard it. Upon hearing it for the first time, I immediately fell in love. Brandon Boyd's voice is just incredible. It's powerful and edgy and so full of emotion. And he's got an incredible range. I associate this song with this guy that I was really good friends with my senior year. He was super chill and cool and liked way awesome music. And he introduced me to this song, so I thought of him everytime I heard it. And I grew to like it even more because of that. It also helped me learn to appreciate Incubus more, which I loved, because they rule. It's just a really gritty, real love song that I just love.

3. Jon Foreman - House of God, Forever

I know I'm going to have a hard time explaining what this song means to me as well. This song is a rendition of the 23rd Psalm, "The Lord Is My Shepherd," and it just beautiful. Jon Foreman is the lead singer of the Christian rock band Switchfoot, whom I really love. Jon's solo stuff is really incredible. He focuses a lot more on the Christian aspect of the music (which, I'll be honest, I find obnoxious in some artists), but he does it very simply and masterfully and his songs definitely are just simple worship songs to the Lord. I particularly identify with this one because I always felt like it applied to me individually. Especially the line that says "Even while I'm walking through the valley of death and dying, I will not fear, 'cause You are with me, You're always with me." I remember listening to this song and just crying so much when he got to that line, because I felt like I was in that valley, and the song was describing exactly how I felt. And then I was so comforted because I knew that the Lord is my shepherd and that He's always with me. So yeah, I didn't explain that very well, but I just love this song. It means a lot to me.

I wish I could share more songs, because there are just so many songs that I love and associate with great memories and experiences and times in my life. But I hope you've enjoyed these few that I've been able to share with you.

there is so much more than you think:
meanings rooted in the trees,
pulsing through the branches,
dispersing through the leaves.
it's a beauty that will surely bring you to your knees.

-all the day holiday

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