Tuesday, December 6, 2011

virginia is for lovers.

I just wanted to make a quick post about how much I love Virginia. I love the people, the culture, the rain, the trees, the southern hospitality, and even the rednecks. I love pretty much every single thing about the little Central Virginian town where I spent my adolescent years. But I love Virginia for another reason as well.

Virginia helped me realize what life is like outside the comforting arms of the Church. I actually grew up in Washington State, where nearly 10% of the population is LDS. I was used to being surrounded by LDS friends, living near a temple, and having a cushion of Mormon beliefs in my life. When I was 11, my family moved across the country to Forest, Virginia, where the LDS population is minute.  This change in atmosphere greatly impacted my teenage years.  I, alone, had to stand up for what I believed, choosing my friends wisely in order to not be led astray. I learned to be a missionary in my everyday life by being an example to others. I can’t forget how being nearly the only one with my beliefs has shaped me as a person. I am so grateful for the opportunity to live in such a beautiful place with a rich culture and absolutely amazing people. I'm proud to call Virginia home :)


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